Friday, August 21, 2009

Whirlwind Tour of New England

We were fortunate to enjoy and share our vacation with Justin’s mother Dee while touring the New England states. We started off with a road trip to visit our friends, Derek and Katie, in New Bedford / Dartmouth, Massachusetts (driving through Rhode Island, of course) on Sunday. While we were there, we decided to stop in and tour the New Bedford Whaling Museum. Then on Tuesday we headed to Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts and up to New Hampshire to visit Dee’s friend, Kellee. From there we headed to the White Mountains, just barely visited Maine (literally!) and then came back home through Vermont. So there, we got them all in: Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Baby EJ - 7 weeks, 6 days

Today we had our first prenatal appointment and ultrasound. Sarah's doctor said everything looks great and our official due date is March 30th. Baby EJ had a heartbeat of 163bpm and was hanging upside down when we had the ultrasound so Justin has dubbed Baby EJ as his little possum!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rock the Sound NYC

I won Worship Passes to Rock the Sound NYC 2009 which included two tickets to three separate concerts each featuring three guest bands and one main performer. The first performance was on Friday night, so on Friday afternoon we hopped on a train headed to NYC. Friday night we saw The Afters, Run Kid Run, Phil Wickham, and the Newsboys. The Newsboys were AWESOME and amazing performers - we especially loved Michael Tait, their new lead singer (he was previously with DC Talk). After the concert Friday night, we headed to Times Square - this was Justin's first trip to NYC. He loved it! He was like a little kid looking at all the lights :) We spent the night at the New Yorker Hotel near the concert venue (they actually shared a wall they were so close). Saturday morning we took a leisurely stroll around Manhattan - even visited the New York Public Library (remember Ghostbusters?) and enjoyed lunch in Bryant Park. The next concert started Saturday afternoon and featured Superchick, Aaron Shust, Tenth Avenue North, and Jeremy Camp. There was another concert Saturday evening that we also had tickets to, but I was way too tired to stay any longer and we hadn't made hotel arrangements for Saturday evening AND we still had a two hour train ride ahead of us. I was really disappointed because the last concert featured my FAVORITE Christian artist - Casting Crowns. We decided since we won the tickets, that we should give the last pair away so I headed to the ticket line and ended up giving them to another couple. It was a bittersweet end to the day, but when we stopped back by the hotel to pick up our luggage, we got to meet Jeremy Camp!! God is awesome! We had an amazing (and busy) time and loved every minute of the adventure!!!

~Sarah E. Rose~