Sunday, August 17, 2008

70 Year Old Grapes!!!

Today we visited relatives of Sarah's stepmother, Robbin. The day couldn’t have been more perfect for an afternoon meal in the garden but the most interesting part of our visit had to be taste testing 70 year old grapes. Apparently, our host’s mother would soak various fruits in brandy, including grapes. When his mother passed away, her children split up her delicious treats among themselves, including a large jar of brandy grapes she made in 1938; of which he was kind enough to offer us this rare and almost extinct delicacy. After realizing that our host had also eaten said grapes and survived, we decided it would make a great story to try a 70 year grape. The consistency could only be described as a round ball of delicate tissue paper that melted instantly in your mouth – and the flavor was wonderfully incomparable to anything we had ever eaten before. So there’s our fun story for the day and we lived to tell about, at least so far anyway!