Saturday, September 6, 2008

Baden's Birthday

In October 2007 we bought a dappled Daschund puppy from a friend of ours in Tennessee. We purposely picked the runt of the litter and had him neutered early to control his growth. Although he is from standard parents, he more or less fits the profile of a Miniature Daschund. His name is Baden (or “Bot-Bot” as we often call him) named after the township in Germany Justin’s grandfather's family is from and he might as well be our little fury child because we involve him in almost everything we do! So, when his first birthday rolled around we found a local dog bakery, Susan’s K-9 Barkery, and had a birthday cake made for his own doggie birthday party. He shared the day (and most of his cake) with a neighbor’s dog and even got a few little presents out of the deal too! A few years ago we would’ve laughed at this type of celebration, but having Baden in our lives has made us rethink how we feel about household pets. They really are little family members!!!