Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Hampshire Victory Rally - Meeting SARAH PALIN!!!

I just arrived home from the New Hampshire Victory Rally with Sarah Palin and I am PUMPED!!!!

I started my morning at the Connecticut GOP Headquarters in South Hartford. From there I joined about 30 other Connecticut Republicans and boarded a bus headed for Salem, New Hampshire. We arrived around 2:00pm and quickly got to work on the phones making calls to registered Republican voters to remind them to get out and vote. The local campaign office provided us with cell phones and scripts, and I must say we were pretty efficient at it; our small group made over 2,000 calls during our two hours there. Then, we boarded our bus and headed over to the high school to get in line for the rally. There were so MANY people and I was relieved to see only a small handful of protestors. We had to go through Secret Service to get into the event through a process similar to airport security. From there I spent the rest of the night standing in front of the stage. Sarah was absolutely beautiful and charming as always. She brought the “First Dude” Todd out with her and he sat behind her the whole time smiling and looking at her with the most supportive and loving eyes. After she spoke, she took time out for some autographs and I am excited to say that I was able to get her autograph on her September 15, 2008 Newsweek cover!!!

It was a very exciting day for me and I’m glad I made the decision to go and be a part of this historical election. Don’t forget to get out and vote McCain/Palin on Tuesday, November 4th!!!!!

~Sarah E. Rose~


jenren said...

AWESOME!!! Great pictures! I should have asked you to get me a button. ;-) Too bad there won't be any rallies for us to attend here in Memphis. Then again, that's a good thing, since it's because Tennessee is a red state. Haha. :-p
Good for you for getting the word out up in CT!!

We miss you guys!
Love, Jen