Monday, October 13, 2008

Thematic Photographic

Another blogger, Carmi, at the blog Written, Inc. posts a regular weekly thematic photographic project. This week’s project was “grounded.” I knew right away when I read this assignment that I wanted to post a picture of the fall leaves in our front yard. We were busy this weekend so I decided that when we got home from our outings that I would capture the leaves with my camera. I should’ve known that my landlord, who is also my green-thumb father, wouldn’t allow the leaves to litter his yard for very long and while we were away cleaned up the yard and discarded my photographic canvas! I was off of work today for Columbus Day and should’ve realized sooner that New England in all of her fall glory would not allow me to be disappointed for long – by this afternoon I had another beautiful canvas to work with and this time dear ol' dad was away on a business trip!

A couple more entries I have for this project are my favorite shoes which I would say see nothing but the ground…

And my favorite little fury munchkin, who is very close to the ground with his low back and short legs...

~Sarah E. Rose~